Saturday, November 14, 2009

Home Again, Home Again!

All good things must come to an end, right? Well, that's kinda how it felt when reality slapped me in the face this morning. Back to the rat race that is otherwise known as life in the Miller family! LOL. Our trip home on Friday went without a hitch -- albeit with just a little bit of stress getting to the airport on time. You see, we had to make that 'one last stop' at Stein Mart in Naples on the way to the airport to get price adjustments on the things we had purchased earlier in the week that were on sale during their annual 14 hour sale on Friday. It was well worth the effort - I think between the 3 of us, we recouped about $150. :o) But then, with all that newfound money burning a hole in our pockets, we just HAD to do a quick 'once over' the store to see if there were any buys too good to pass up. So, our departure from Naples was just a tad later than we had anticipated. :o) Jen piloted our Jeep Laredo on the way to the airport and she successfully delivered us with not one minute to spare. And yes . . . if you were wondering, we did manage to give back at least part of that $150 we 'saved' at Stein Mart (no surprise there, I'm sure). Once again, the Naples economy benefited from our visit. ha.

We were very happy that we were able to catch a few rays of that glorious Marco sunshine before we left the condo on Friday - although it was a bit chilly (I think the temp was about 68 when we ventured out to the beach at 9:30am), it quickly warmed up and we were able to soak up a couple of hours' worth before coming in to finish packing, 'close' the condo, etc.

All in all, a WONDERFUL trip. Good friends, good times, good memories, good food, good shopping, good relaxing ..... all good. :o)

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