Saturday, July 17, 2010

Summer Memories . . .

Just some random pictures to share!

We (me and several other moms) hosted a HUGE summer dance party for Nick's entire grade. We held it at a township hall just outside of Bloomington. We had an AWESOME turnout and everyone had a GREAT time. And no, the big guy in the very front isn't an oversized soon-to-be 8th grader -- he was our DJ for the evening! (Side note: Nick finally got braces ON!)

Elmhurst College visit - July 17 (we're wrapping up the visits in the next two weeks!)

Disney memories:

Carly's favorite part of the Disney day

And of course, ya gotta love the Teacups

Nick's and Alex's favorite part of the Disney day (haha - they actually DO look like they're enjoying it, don't you think?)

4th of July fun

That's all for now! The boys and I are going to the Dells this coming week for a few days. Two other moms and I are playing chapperone to 5 senior boys + Nick and his friend Logan. This should be interesting! LOL. Can't wait -- lots of water slides, roller coasters and go-carts. I'm sure we'll have a blast. Carly thinks we're going camping -- it was the only way I could convince her that she really didn't want to go along. :o) She's got a fun couple of days planned with Daddy instead.

Check back soon!

Enjoy each and every one of those lazy, crazy, hazy days of summer!

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